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What Happens If I Miss My Flight?

Most of us have been there or will go through it at some point. You wake up in a panic because you snoozed your way out of a flight. You wake up with that ‘Oh Shit!’ feeling then start to fly out of bed. You quickly put on your clothes (that don’t even match), grab your bags, and race down the highway. Running through the parking lot, you realized you left your phone on the dashboard. Phone in hand you make it through security and to the gate, but it’s too late. The boarding door is closed and the plane is leaving the gate. 

What now?

That panic feeling from earlier comes flooding back as you try to catch your breath (in a mask no less). 

You start to think “If only I woke up 10 minutes earlier or remembered my phone on the dash.” 

Don’t beat yourself up. Shit happens.

Here’s what you do:

Stop panicking

First, take a second to breathe and steady your mind. Don’t let this obstacle derail your trip.


Calmly talk to the gate/customer service agent. Believe it or not, they are there to help. They are not your enemy so use the golden rule. Treat them how you would want to be treated.


It’s not the end of the world so listen up. Consider all the options the agent is giving you. I know through all the chaos your head is spinning but think logically. 

Other airlines

If the options with your current airline doesn’t logically make sense, try a different airline. Yeah, I know easier said than done right. It might even get expensive but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Inform your transportation at your destination city

Don’t forget to call your family/ rental car/ hotel etc and let them know what your new plans are. 

See. Crisis averted. Just remember you’re not the first person to miss their flight. So, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just an inconvenience.

Fly Safe and Travel Easy