6 Reasons Why Layovers Are Awesome.
Why do layovers get such a bad rap? I mean yeah… you are spending more time in the airport. But that’s not so bad. Is it? Here are 6 reasons… Read More »6 Reasons Why Layovers Are Awesome.
Why do layovers get such a bad rap? I mean yeah… you are spending more time in the airport. But that’s not so bad. Is it? Here are 6 reasons… Read More »6 Reasons Why Layovers Are Awesome.
Sometimes having too many options can be stressful. Picking something as simple as an outfit to wear to the airport is no different. Do I dress for my current city?… Read More »What Do I Wear To The Airport?
Going through TSA can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Surprised… I know. But Preparation is key Here are some things you need to know: Have Your ID… Read More »TSA Is Easier Than You Think
Most of us have been there or will go through it at some point. You wake up in a panic because you snoozed your way out of a flight. You… Read More »What Happens If I Miss My Flight?